Ankonian Elixir

Ankonian Elixir 100 has the looks, performance and record set to make him remembered as one of the breed’s greats. His performance records put him in the top 1% of the breed for 200, 400 and 600 day weights. His eye muscle score EPD of + 4.9 is more than twice the breed average of +2.3, whilst his miilk EPD of +19 is more than three times greater than the breed average of just +6! ‘Elixir 100′ surpassed $1 million dollars in total sales before his fourth birthday. Both sides of the Atlantic his progeny have broken performance records and topped auctions. At Perth Bull Sales his sons have featured highly in the show and the sales ring. A son,’Lorabar Roshan D126’ was Supreme Champion before selling for the top price of £24,000 gns to the Hurdcott herd of Lord and Lady Glendyne. A full brother, ‘Lorabar Rocky E166’ was also prize winner claiming an Intermediate Championship and selling for £8,000 gns to A. McElroy for his pedigree herd. His daughters are singularly perfect as breeders with and abundance of milk.Add Elixir to your herd for growth, milk, carcase quality, eye appeal and quiet disposition. This bull has proved himself worldwide.